20 May 2013

Paper Moon Raih Anugerah di Los Angeles Movie Awards

Filem terbitan Malaysia, Paper Moon arahan Stanley Law memenangi 4 anugerah bagi kategori International di LA Movie Awards. Tidak pasti sejauh mana keprestijan festival ini. Apa pun kita ucap tahniah atas kejayaan yang diraih. 4 anugerah tersebut adalah :

1. Awards of Excellence
2. Best Actress : Chrissie Chau
3. Best Supporting Actor : Gordon Lam
4. Best Screenplay

Walau bagaimanapun, menurut twitter FilemKita, kedua-dua pelakon tersebut bukan berasal dari Malaysia.

Dipetik dari website LA Movie Awards :


The Los Angeles Movie Awards mission is to celebrate Independent Motion Picture and Literary Arts by providing a platform for filmmakers and writers to have an opportunity to be awarded for their work. 

Welcome to the 2013 Los Angeles Movie Awards. The LAMA offers more than just a handful of award possibilities. We pride ourselves in providing a wide variety of award opportunities between our 10 categories. Not only will filmmakers have a higher chance of landing an award, they also will not be at risk of jeopardizing their world premiere status with other festivals. Films that are selected to screen with us will have the opportunity to opt out of their screening while still maintaing their award/s if there is a conflict with another festival or event. At that point, the next runner up will move in to the screening spot. 1st place films of each category will be guaranteed a screening spot, will receive an official LAMA award Plaque, and will have the opportunity to win our audience award. Our audience award winner will receive an Official LAMA trophy. 1st place script winners will also receive our official LAMA plaque. All other non screening and screening winners (award of excellence, honorable mention, best director, best actor,etc....) will receive laurels for their respective winning categories. All films submitted through withoutabox.com will receive a stress free IMDB tittle page for their projects.

Sumber :

Senarai Pemenang
Website Rasmi

PF baru ingat, belum umumkan pemenang KUIZ 3 kat blog. Pemenangnya ialah ZAINI < yang meneka dengan tepat. Cayalah!

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